
Robots and Cassandra

John Keogh | February 14, 2014

Using robots for mapping can generate huge amounts of robot sensor data. This post will be about how to use Cassandra as a data store for the type of Big Data storage needs that persistence of robot sensor data can create. The complete stack that was used for developing the application that is the subject of this blog post is:

  • Cassandra - Data store
  • Node.js - Web front end for datastore, interacts with Cassandra using Helenus. Presents both a REST API front end and a web front end for humans.
  • Browser - For two distinct use cases: When a human user is viewing tiltmap runs and also to create the interactivity for the front end for the EyesBot Driver robot controller app
  • iOS - The bulk of the logic, includes video streaming, presenting the web interface and dealing with converting commands from the web interface to a form the robot body can understand. Discussed in many other blog posts

Diagrammatically the system looks like this:

The CQL, Javascript for Node.js and HTML/css and Javascript for the web interface is available in a zip file.

The following short video shows the mapping behavior:


First, you'll need to get Cassandra setup. These instructions are accurate and brief.

Next you'll need to create a keyspace, which is similar to creating a database in a conventional RDBMS, and a table, called a column family in earlier versions of Cassandra:

create keyspace tiltmap with replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1}; CREATE TABLE run ( run_name text, PRIMARY KEY (run_name) )WITH comment='distinct runs, corresponds to run_name in tiltmeasurement' AND read_repair_chance = 1.0; CREATE TABLE tiltmeasurement ( run_name text, x_location float, y_location float, bearing_degrees float, x_tilt float, y_tilt float, z_tilt float, PRIMARY KEY (run_name, x_location, y_location) )WITH comment='Records of x y z accelerometer readings at a given locations' AND read_repair_chance = 1.0;

When your Cassandra instance is set up, you'll need to start both the cassandra instance and CQL client (so you can see if information is being inserted into your database). From the directory in which Cassandra is installed:

sudo ./bin/cassandra -f ./bin/cqlsh


Once your Cassandra instance is going, you will need to get the Node.js code, which is in the TiltMap.js file in the zip file. If you don't have Node.js setup, you'll need to set it up first.

The TiltMap.js file requires Helenus and express, which you can install by creating a directory for the TiltMap project, copying TiltMap.js into it, and then running the following two npm commands to install Helenus and Express:

npm install express npm install helenus

The first thing to notice about the code in TiltMap.js is the persistence code which relies on Helenus:

var helenus = require('helenus'); var pool = new helenus.ConnectionPool({ hosts:['localhost:9160'], keyspace:'tiltmap', cqlversion:'3.0.0' }); pool.connect(function(err, keyspace){ if(err){ throw(err); } else { } });

Helenus is very easy to use, you will likely be able to copy and paste the code above and it will work if you did the default Cassandra setup and have created the tiltmap keyspace.

The second thing to notice about the code in TiltMap.js is the way that incoming requests are handled

app.get('/runs', function(req, res) { pool.cql('select run_name from run', function(err, results){ if(err){ console.log(err); } res.write("{\"runnames\": [\r\n"); var firstRun = true; results.forEach(function(row){ //each row if(!firstRun){ res.write(",\r\n"); } else{ firstRun = false; } res.write("{"); var firstData = true; row.forEach(function(name,value,ts,ttl){ if(!firstData){ firstData = false; res.write(", "); } res.write("\""+name.toString( )+"\""+ ":"+"\""+value.toString( )+"\""); }); res.write("}"); }); res.write("]}\r\n"); res.end(); }); });

iOS Code

The iOS project is not included in the zip file, as the code for EyesBot is mostly closed source. The Objective-C code that coordinates the moving of the robot and takes the accelerometer code is included below, though. The three things that the iOS code needs to do is:

  • Move the robot
  • Read the accelerometer
  • Send the accelerometer readings to the web service

The robot motion is controlled using the LightCodedOutput class, which converts messages about left or right velocity and the status of the headlights to a pattern of white or black squares on the screen, which are in turn read by photodiodes in the robot body. This is covered in some detail in another post. The way that the choreography is done is covered in an article about obstacle avoidance

Gathering the accelerometer data is very easy:

//include the CoreMotion.framework before adding any of //this code in the .h file: #import //as ivars float xTilt; float yTilt; float zTilt; //as property @property CMMotionManager *motionManager; //in the .m file @synthesize motionManager; //in startup code, for example, init self.motionManager = [[CMMotionManager alloc] init]; self.motionManager.accelerometerUpdateInterval = 0.1; self.operationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; if ( ![self.motionManager isAccelerometerAvailable] ) { return; } [self.motionManager startAccelerometerUpdatesToQueue: self.operationQueue withHandler:^(CMAccelerometerData *accelerometerData, NSError *error) { [self accelerometerUpdateWithData:accelerometerData error:error]; }]; //this is the callback that gets the accelerometer //readings - (void)accelerometerUpdateWithData: (CMAccelerometerData *)accelerometerData error:(NSError *)error { if ( error ) { return; } CMAcceleration acceleration = accelerometerData.acceleration; if(acceleration.x>xTilt) xTilt = acceleration.x; if(acceleration.y>yTilt) yTilt = acceleration.y; if(acceleration.z>zTilt) zTilt = acceleration.z; }

Sending the accelerometer data to the web service created with Node.js is quite easy (there are frameworks available for this also, but the code is quite simple so it is done without a framework here)

//this code create the timer and sets it going. if(requestTimer==nil){ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ requestTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: self.timingInterval target:self selector:@selector(sumbitNextReading:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; }); } -(void)sumbitNextReading:(NSTimer *)timer{ //there is is a bunch of choreography code that has //been omitted that controls when to send, this shows //how to send, you will need to add your own //choreography code if(timeToSendReading){ //Web Service Call if(comingBack){ xLocation -= 10; } //send accelerometer data periodically to web service NSString *theRequest = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@addtiltmeasurement?runname=%@&xlocation=%f& ylocation=%f&xtilt=%f&ytilt=%f&ztilt=%f", self.webServiceURL, runName, xLocation, yLocation, xTilt, yTilt, zTilt]; NSURLConnection *theConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:theRequest] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0] delegate:self]; if(!comingBack){ xLocation += 10; } if(!theConnection) { NSLog(@"theConnection is NULL"); } xTilt = 0.0; yTilt = 0.0; zTilt = 0.0; } }

Next steps

Most of this same code is being evaluated for storing visual signatures of locations, to enable robots to visually map locations.

Eyesbot Company

Computer vision

Artificial intelligence

Effecting the physical world